
Veuve Clicquot

|Welcome to Clicquot Café

The client's challenge

Berlin and champagne? Doesn't necessarily sound like a perfect match at first glance. However, we're not talking about just any champagne, but the grande dame of champagne, Veuve Clicquot. In summer, the brand invited everyone to the Clicquot Café in Berlin for a month-long pop-up experience. The challenge: Using minimal means (rather generic imagery) to inspire people and get them to sign up for paid experiences.

“The 'FOMO classic' in the form of the CTA "Don't miss it!" works every time”

Insight from performance reporting
Overall Cost per Click (CPC)
Permanent Click Through Rate (CTR)

Our approach

Based on our Behavioral Economic Concept, we created the broadest possible ad set with different formats, motifs, headlines and call-to-actions in order to quickly identify the best performers in an initial test phase. For example, we tested a more storytelling-driven approach against the classic "urgency" approach. We also recommended using on-site material in a further promotional phase once the event had started.
Cognitive-Fluency effect
Cognitive-Fluency effect
Selective attention
Selective attention
Framing effect
Framing effect

Implementation and impact

For maximum impact, the campaign was divided into three parts: A pre-phase for teaser communication before the event with generic brand material to drive traffic and trigger sign-up. An on-going phase with new assets created from on-site material as an extra push. A last-minute phase with slightly adapted assets from the second phase to drive up conversions towards the end of pop-up experience. And the numbers? Well, they speak for themselves.

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