

|Conversion optimization for a strong DTC brand

The client's challenge

yfood is always straight forward. Their product delivers nutrition in no time. The start-up itself is one of the fastest growing companys. And so it was no suprise that that they came to us with an equally straight forward task: relaunch our online shop. Do it now and most importantly make it easy & fast to use.

"Incredible to see how a focused audience-centric approach can drive business impact."

Joe Butler, Founder & Managing Partner
Conversion Rate
Increase Average Order Value

Our approach

Our target group analysis showed that our client's demand matches the attitude of our target group. So we created a shopping experience that embraced "fast and easy" from the first entry point to the final check-out. By using our Behavirol Economic Concept we were able to integrate specific triggers and optimize the conversion rate significantly.
Cheerleader effect
Cheerleader effect
Choice/Decision Fatigue
Choice/Decision Fatigue
Social Comparison Theory
Social Comparison Theory

Implementation and impact

This was definitely one of the most agile projects we've ever done – up to this day. Short communication way, fast decision making, on the fly wireframing, compact UX/UI design phase and fluid deployment. Definitely a benchmark for us and a great example how much power our approach can set free if there's a deep understanding of the target group right from the beginning.

I’m really talented

I have a business

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